Tuesday, May 29, 2007

what?! I am a lesbian now?

ok people, here is the little dirty incident that happened late afternoon yesterday. I was going toward Starbucks on Main street.
As i was walking towards the door, i saw an object moving at warp speed towards the door. It was a stocky build woman hustling through but halted right beside me and said 'Allow me."
"oh, ok thanks," i responded startlingly.

Shortly after, as i was waiting in the long line, she moved beside me to rummage through things on the side table and attempted to initiate conversation with me. It all began with the innocent pickup line like 'it's a windy day don't you think?" the woman with her half torn military khaki shorts and massive pockets said.

I reluctantly answered her questions and all of the sudden, out of blue, she turned to me and said "would you like to go dinner with me." i was like in my mind having a matrix moment (whao, dude-tress?) Mumbling some words that goes like "what? i dont even know you" was all i could muster to say.

"but i really would like to get to know you." she was persistent like a little kid trying to get her mom to buy her favourite toy.
"eh..im not a les...i don't really go that way" as my voices faded under my breath.

Her face crimsoned and out of her shivering voice, "i could have sworn you are a lesbian."

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