Monday, April 12, 2010

Reinvention for Sanity During Job Search

At around the six-month mark after losing my job, I realized that I’d started branding myself as an unemployed person. That was starting to feel depressing. So I repositioned myself in my own mind.

I started doing online certifications to strengthen my resume. At social settings, when people asked me what I do, I start answering, “I’m a Internet marketer.” Even though I still have not yet seen the light at the end of the tunnel, answering the question that way made a big difference to my mental health.

I find that the only way to get successful at a new plan is through optimistic self-labeling: telling the world that you’re already doing the thing you want to do.

It’s exuberant to change how you label yourself, especially if the new label is aspirational: something that you want to be, rather than something you already are.

Maybe that's why 'The Secret' has sold 500,000 copies in 6 months.

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